Browse Articles By Tag: natural healing
Why would someone consider paying someone to help their child get exercise? Once upon a time, exercise was the same word used for playing. Children would open their door, head outside and would not show up until dinner time. (...)
06.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Canker sores are mouth ulcers are an open sore found in the loose skins in the lips, cheeks, roof floor, and the underside of the tongue. Sores can be found on the soft palate and the tonsil areas too. Many causes are found for canker sores in the mouth. (...)
03.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Natural health is a seemingly new term, but truly it has been around for centuries. Unfortunately, many people have gotten away from what encompasses natural, healthy living. Now, what does all this mean? What is natural health? Put simply natural health it is a...
02.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
When you hiccup, your diaphragm and the muscles near to it convulse, causing you to briefly gulp air. This causes the glottis to slam shut which makes the "hic" noise. Once the hiccups start unless you can stop them right away they usually go on for at least 63 times...
01.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
The first question that comes to mind when it comes to a natural health program and kids is: Is it safe? The answer lies in what is meant by "natural health". The human body does indeed possess an amazing ability to heal itself if left alone, and many times modern...
29.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Arthritis strikes many individuals of all ages and can be very painful and debilitating. Arthritis affects the joints and bones. There are more than 200 different types of arthritis with the two major ones being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. (...)
29.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
There are everyday stresses in our life that build and make living seem impossible. There are dark corners in our mind that may cause extreme difficulties that make waking up do hard of a chore to do. (...)
27.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Stress is unfortunately a common by-product of modern life. We can experience stress at work, at school, in our relationships, and from peer-pressure. Stress is how our body reacts to physical, emotional, mental or social conditions that are affecting us. (...)
26.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
To understand natural healing arts, one must understand what natural healing is. Natural healing also is known as alternative healing. This is best defined as any form of medical healing that does not fall under the same realm as modern medicine. (...)
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
"Don’t bend over," "Don’t stretch," "No cleaning the litter box," "Treat yourself like a fragile piece of China." These are all statements heard during pregnancy. It seems like everyday there is a revised list of things you can and cannot do or cannot eat. (...)
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you have ever had a hangover you know that relief it uppermost in your mind. 75% or more of those who drink alcoholic beverages experience hangover symptoms the next morning. Typical symptoms of a hangover are headache, stomach upset, vomiting, a bad taste in your...
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Women lead such busy lives. There are some that stay at home and take care of their families, there are those who run major corporations, some run their own businesses, others work from home, and some may combine a few of these. (...)
22.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Headaches are a fact of life. Many suffer from this malady including children. Headaches are a pain felt in several areas or one spot in the head. It can be mild, or be severe. You may have one occasionally or suffer from headaches every day. (...)
21.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Doctors often advised patients they had hypertension when their blood pressure went above 140/90. That number has been significantly lowered and the reading for hypertension is now 130/80 and prehypertension is when the blood pressure is 120/80. (...)
19.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
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